FLAIRS is a unique event for young financial professionals in the Netherlands: it is hosted by young professionals for young professionals, it combines knowledge sharing and discussions with inspiring presentations by leading financial figures, and it helps young professionals to establish networks within the financial sector.
The first FLAIRS event was organised back in 2006 for the members of the youth associations from Fortis, van Lanschot, ABN AMRO, ING, Rabobank and SNS Reaal. As the organisations have changed form, the current audience of FLAIRS exists of the youth associations from ABN AMRO, ING, Rabobank, de Volksbank and Van Lanschot Kempen. Each year, FLAIRS is organised as a one-day event for the young ambitious bankers of these youth associations, with a program that addresses the current situation in the financial industry and the interests of young financial professionals. We bring forth a different topic each year that fits the current economic situation.
FLAIRS is a foundation, and is run by a board with five members. All organising banks are represented in the board and in the committee that is appointed yearly by the board to organise the event.